As no orderly society can exist without law, so our Fellowship must adhere to certain principles to be orderly. These principles exist to distinguish us from the minions of chaos in gameplay and put us all, as members, on equal footing. Let it be known: NO ONE is above this law, not even DragonHeart. If a crime is committed, those who would charge the alleged offender must first follow the Precepts laid out on our Reporting Infractions Page. Mitigating factors in the crime will have a bearing on the verdict of guilt or innocence and may effect the penalty if one is to be given.
This is divided into two parts: LAW and PENALTIES. There are two classes of Laws, each with their own penalties, Capital Crimes, and Conduct Unbecoming.
High Treason:
- Murder or attempted murder of SoV members or unauthorized murder of anyone--this includes but is not limited to the killing of other players based solely on their notoriety. It should be noted that UO's rules for obtaining and maintaining a good reputation are somewhat arbitrary, and as such cannot be used exclusively to accuse a fellow player of criminal behavior
- Creating and using a player-character for evil purposes: random pking (other than thieves or other evil player-characters), stealing from *decent players, or causing mischief of any kind. (* - Decent means obvious honorable players (blues) who are not known thieves or pks)
- Verbal abuse of SoV leaders, members, friends, or allies
- Public disdain, ridicule, or criticism of SoV policies, rules, or leaders (meetings or mass email) unless permission is given to speak frankly by DragonHeart.
- Membership in any other guild or clan other than NPC guilds (Merchant, Ranger, Mage, etc.)
- Revealing any passwords or code phrases to non-members
- Giving keys, special runes, or SoV property to non-members. (Note: Non-members include those who are not yet of Templar rank)
Soliciting recruitment of SoV members to other organizations
Instigating or condoning acts of treason
Flagrant and habitual abusive or offensive language, spoken or written.
Lying or falsifying information to SoV Officials
Snooping into backpacks of decent players
Stealing from decent players
Looting dead bodies (other than monsters, enemies, and criminals) Note: Any items found lying on the ground, even in a pile, when no human corpse is present, may be freely taken and do not fall under this prohibition
Disobedience to a direct order from a Superior Officer
Disobedience to any established rule or law of the Fellowship
- Temporary Revocation of Member Privileges - Exile
- Banishment - Expulsion from the Fellowship
- Death Warrant - Listed as Wanted Scum
- Reprimand - Written or Public
- Fine - Gold or Item
- Demotion - Of rank or medal
- Probation - Expulsion if broken
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